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Phrases for "I Apologize" in Japanese -Plite Level

Updated: Sep 10, 2023


I've uploaded the video, "Polite Level "I Apologize" In Japanese" on YouTube.

I was asked the difference between 申(もう)し訳(わけ)ありません and 申し訳ございません。

ございません is a polite way to say ありません, so 申し訳ございません is the most polite way to say "I apologize."

Here are the phrases for "I apologize."

The higher up the list, the more polite the expression is, and the lower down the list, the less polite it becomes.

申し訳ございません to your customer

申し訳ありません to your boss

申し訳ないです to your older friends, colleagues

ごめんなさい to your older close friends and family members

ごめん(ね) to your friends and family members

You can use すみません with strangers or someone not close to you to say 'I'm sorry.' However, if the matter you need to apologize for is serious, すみません may not be sufficient.

By the way, when I apologize to my mother, father, or husband, I'd say ごめんなさい. I might add 本当(ほんとう)に, meaning truly.


But if the matter isn't that serious, for example, if I forgot to do something that my husband asked me to, I'd say

ごめん、すぐやるね(I'm sorry, I'll do it right away.)

Here are some questions I got in the comments section on YouTube.

1)What about わり?

You can use わり or わりぃ for something not very serious with your close friends your age, like arriving a little late.

「わりぃ、遅(おく)れた」(Sorry, I'm late)

わり is わるい(悪い, bad), and "ui" sound can be changed to "ii."

わるい(warui), bad →わりぃ(warii)

だるい(darui), tired →だりぃ(darii)

ねむい(Nemui), sleepy →ねみぃ(Nemii) 

The last い is often written as a small い, or omitted.

These expressions are often used by men.

2)Given how casual "gomen" is presented here, is it like "my bad" in English?

Yes, "Gomen" can be "my bad" in English.

Men might say 「悪い」 for "my bad."

3)Where does すみません & しつれいします belong in this ranking?

You can use すみません with the phrases with 申し訳(moushiwake)above.

For example, すみません、申し訳ございません.

すみません can be used for apologizing, but if you want to apologize for something serious, すみません alone might not be enough.

If you accidentally spill juice on someone sitting next to you on an airplane, who isn't your friend, you might say,

すみません、本当に申し訳ないです, and you might want to say it several times.

しつれいします(失礼します) is not used to apologize.

It is used when you enter/leave your boss's office, your teacher's room, or a room where you're about to be interviewed.

4)Why did sensei leave out 「すみません」

The answer is above :)

5)When to use Hontouni gomennasai?

When you want to say "You're 'truly' sorry," you can use hontouni gomennasai.

You can add "hontouni(本当に)" to all the phrases I presented above.

For example, 本当に申し訳ございません.

You can add the feeling that you're "truly" sorry.


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