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I want you to build confidence, and
Speak Japanese Naturally!

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Hi, welcome to Speak Japanese Naturally. 

I have loved the English language since I was young. I have loved its sounds. In movies, handsome and beautiful actors spoke the language that I couldn’t understand. How I wanted to understand what they were saying, but not through subtitles on the screen; I wanted to understand with my own ears, and feel it in my heart.


I still remember that feeling.

In the moment, I sometimes still feel amazed that I am speaking English. That language I love.

I wonder whether you feel the same way about Japanese.

It would make me happy if you’ve come to this website because you are amazed by the Japanese language. I want to help you improve how you sound in speaking through my course.

You know how Japanese people have accents when they speak English? And have you noticed that they are not always able to differentiate between the L and R sounds? Or maybe that their rhythm sounds very different than the rhythm that you expect to hear in English?

These features of the Japanese accent that you hear when they speak English, are features of the Japanese language that you will need to learn in order to acquire the Japanese way of speaking. This is what you will learn through my course.

I know you want to sound like you’re speaking Japanese. I know you want to make yourself understood in Japanese.

I promise you’ll be able to do that through my course.

Even if you’re already at a high level, you can use my course.

You can upload your recording to the Forum, and I will be happy to give you advice. I’d like all of you to make the most out of my course.

I’m always here for you, and to help you improve how you sound in Japanese.

いっしょに、がんばりましょう!(Let’s do our best!)

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What I can offer


Free Youtube Videos

You can watch listening practice videos, pronunciation videos, and more on my Youtube channel.

You’ll find tips to speak Japanese naturally there.

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Subscription course: Japanese Phonetics with Fumi

You can watch videos on Japanese phonetics exclusively uploaded here.  

You can ask me questions or check your speech on the Forum page.  

You can download Anki decks for walk-and-talk videos on YouTube.

Speak Japanese Naturally

Speak Japanese Naturally

Japanese Listening Practice Coming of Age Day, せいじんしき

Japanese Listening Practice I Can you go up??

Japanese Listenin Practice | What We Did in the New Year Holiday

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